HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY Monthly Session Sign up - Winter 2021 Basketball
HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY Monthly Session Sign up - Winter 2021
This program is designed for high school varsity athletes who want high caliber training to prepare them for their upcoming season. Led by Coach Kareem Guilbeaux and Skills Director Fale Malepeai, as well as Skills Coaches JC Reyes and Trevor Dunbar, this program will focus on creating/enhancing go-to moves, mastering pace, and understanding the nuances of the game. Players in this program will have up to five days of training per week. Specific accommodations include:
- Four in-person training sessions (may include strength and conditioning)
- Mindfulness training/ check-in
- Weekly 3x3 Champions League
- 20 hrs per month x $20 per hr
- High School Varsity Fee Per Session - $400
Winter 2021 2021
Winter 2021 2021
Winter 2021 2021